Required Coursework

如果你被接受进入牙科辅助计划,你必须完成以下内容 courses.

Required Courses

  • DA 100 Dental Materials - 3 units
  • DA 108 Infection Control in Dentistry - 2 units
  • DA 110 Introduction to Dental Essentials - 3.5 units 
  • DA 111 Applied Human Behavior - 2 units
  • DA 123A Introduction to Dental Essentials - 4.5 units
  • DA 123B Advanced Chairside Techniques - 4 units
  • DA 124 Dental Office Administration - 3 units
  • DA 125 Clinical Experience I - 3 units
  • DA 127 Clinical Experience II - 4.5 units
  • 注册牙科助理技术- 3个单元
  • DA 140 Oral Radiology - 4 units

*DA 125 & 127 Winter & 西安大略大学实行春季学期轮转 加州波莫纳,当地牙科诊所和退伍军人事务部..

Recommended Elective Courses

  • DA 149 Orthodontic Assistant-0.5 units 
  • 专业实践中的临床经验- 0.5 unit 
  • DA 160综合牙科辅助考试复习- 0.5 unit 
  • DA 200A Dental Assisting Lab -1 unit
  • DA 200B牙科辅助技术技能提升实验室-1单元

使用下面的资源查看完整的课程描述并查看可用性 of courses in a given semester.

Certificate Options


Term Classes
Fall DA 100 Dental Materials - 3 units
DA 108 Infection Control* - 2  units 
DA 110 Introduction to Dental Essentials* - 3.5 units 
DA 123A  Chairside Assisting - 4.5 units
DA 140 Oral Radiology* - 4 units
DA 200 A Study Skills - 1 unit


DA 125 Clinical Experience 1-3 units
DA 124 Dental Office Administration-3 units


DA 160综合牙科协助国家委员会准备-0.5 unit
DA 149 Advanced Orthodontic Assistant*-2.0 unit (OPTIONAL)
DA150 Specialty Clinical Internship - 0.5 unit (OPTIONAL)

13个月证书课程,春季入学(兼职春季入学,全日制入学) completion).

Term Classes
Spring DA 111 Applied Human Behavior* - 2 units
DA 108 Infection Control - 2 units
DA 110 Introduction to Dental Essentials* - 3.5 units
DA 140口腔放射学*(可选修秋季课程)- 4个单元
Fall DA 100 Dental Materials - 3 units
DA 123A  Chairside Assisting - 4.5 units
DA 200 A Study Skills - 1 unit



DA 124 Office Administration-3 units
DA 125 Clinical Experience 11-3 units

DA 123B  Chairside Assisting - 4 units
DA 127 Clinical Experience 11-4.5 units
DA 135 RDA Duties - 3 units
DA 200B Advanced DA Skills - 1 unit                                                           


DA 160综合牙科协助国家委员会准备-0.5 unit
DA 149 Advanced Orthodontic Assistant (optional)-2.0 units    
DA 150专业临床实习(可选)- 0.5 unit


Term Classes
Fall (1st year)

DA 108感染控制- 2个单位DA 110介绍 Dental Essentials* - 3.5 units


DA 124 Dental Office Adminstration 3.0 units


DA 111 Applied Human Behavior-2.0 units
DA 140 Oral Radiology 4.0 units

Fall (2nd year)

DA 100牙科材料- 3个单位DA 123A椅子辅助 - 3.5单元DA 200a学习技巧- 1单元



DA 125 Clinical Experience 2.0 unit
DA 123B  Chairside Assisting - 4 unit   
DA 127 Clinical Experience 11 4.5 units
DA 135 RDA Duties - 3 units
DA 200B Advanced DA Skills - 1 unit


DA 160综合牙科协助国家委员会准备- 0.5 unit
DA 149 Advanced Orthodontic Assistant (optional)-2.0 units
DA 150专业临床实习(可选)- 0.5 unit      

Program Completion

成功完成所有课程要求后,您将获得证书 of Achievement. 此外,您还将获得以下职业技能证书:

  • Dental Assisting Certificate of Achievement
  • 资格申请国家RDA考试和国家认证(CDA)考试
  • Infection Control and Dental Practice Act
  • Oral Radiology Course
  • 冠状抛光(RDA项目证书的一部分)
  • 坑缝密封胶(RDA项目证书的一部分)
  • Ultrasonic Scaling for Orthodontic Cement Removal
  • 正畸助理许可证(可选)资格申请国家OA考试


该课程中完成的许多课程都可以用于获得AS学位. Consult 与辅导员一起决定哪些课程有资格获得学分 自然科学、社会与行为科学、人文科学、 语言与理性,美国制度,健康教育与体育活动 for the Associate in Science degree. Competence must also be demonstrated in reading, written expression, and mathematics. Successful completion of DA 111 Applied Human 行为和DA 110课程将计入多样性要求.

RDA Licensure


RDA许可证是通过加州牙科委员会提供的,包括书面的 考试,背景调查和指纹采集. The RDA written is via computer at various computer testing sites. 冠状抛光,凹坑和裂缝密封剂和超声波 缩放是只有使用RDA许可证才能执行的任务. Students and graduates 负责理解表演的道德和法律后果 即使完成了规定的任务,法律上也不允许他们履行 educational courses for all RDA duties. Students and graduates are responsible for 了解履行职责的道德和法律后果 在完成了规定的教育课程后仍被允许表演的 for all RDA duties.

Orthodontic Assistant licensure

OA许可证是通过加州牙科委员会提供的,包括一份书面的 考试,背景调查和指纹采集. The OA written is via computer at various computer testing sites. 正畸助理的职责只能执行 with the OA license. 学生和毕业生有责任理解 履行职责的道德和法律后果是法律不允许的 即使在完成了所需的教育课程后,也能履行所有OA职责.

从程序毕业后,你必须有当前的RDA许可证执行任何 RDA职责或正畸助理许可证(OAP)指定职责. 所有完成课程的学生都将达到8小时的要求 infection control and 2 hours Dental Practice Act. A graduate may perform Dental Assisting 加州牙科委员会指派的职责. Course content approved by the 加州牙科委员会-8小时感染控制.


This program is designed to be completed in months.

This program will cost if completed within normal time. There may be additional costs for living expenses. 这些费用在邮寄时是准确的,但可能已经改变.

在正常时间内完成这个项目的学生中,典型的毕业生 leaves with of debt.

License requirements:

有关毕业率,贷款还款率和入学后的更多信息 有关本校及其他专上院校的收入,请按此 here:

这个项目没有通过美国政府制定的标准.S. Department of Education. 这些标准是根据学生的入学贷款数额制定的 in this program and their reported earnings. If in the future the program does not 通过这些标准后,入学的学生可能就不能使用联邦贷款了 学生补助金或贷款来支付项目的费用,并且可能不得不寻找其他方式,例如 as private loans, to pay for the program.