Fall 2024 Recommended Completion Dates

Appointments are available in-person, over the phone, and online via Zoom. Below are recommended dates of completion to ensure you meet your three contacts by the end of each Fall/Spring semester.

  1. EOP&S Counselor Contact: Complete by September 27, 2024                            
    The first counseling appointment is to develop your Educational Plan and is a 45 or 60 minute appointment.  Must be completed by an EOPS Counselor.
  2. EOP&S Contact: Complete by November 1, 2024
    The second counseling appointment is for progress updates; this may be a 30 or 45 minute appointment with a Success Coach or an EOPS Counselor.
  3. EOP&S Contact: Complete by December 20, 2024 (Deadline) 
    The third counseling appointment is for planning your next semester and/or revising your Educational Plan as needed.

Contacts must be at least a week apart to count as one of the three required. Only one contact requirement can be met by meeting with an EOPS Success Coach AND one contact can be met by attending a workshop each semester. Counselor meetings can be counted for any or all of the three contacts.

To schedule an online counseling appointment, please access the EOPS Resource Center Canvas Shell.  If you need assistance, please send an email to eops@dftractor.com or call (626) 585-7439.