An overview of a grant project, usually one page in length, required for most government 拨款申请.

An authorization by a federal, state or local legislature allowing government agencies 在特定的时期(通常)承担花钱或借钱的义务 a fiscal year) – Congress may appropriate funds only on the basis of an existing authorization.

确认申请机构遵守平等就业的声明 opportunity, Americans with Disabilities Act, lobbying, or other government regulations, 要求与大多数联邦拨款申请.

Basic legislation that establishes a government program or agency;  sometimes sets 对随后可以拨出但没有拨出的资金数额的限制 提供资金或保证资金将在某一财政年度被拨付.

代表某人订立协议的法律责任人的签字 organization; must appear on an application (either electronic or hard copy) before 这可以被视为正式请求.

Document prescribing the amount of grant funds to be provided to the grantee and restrictions upon the use of those funds; may be a letter, special form, or contract.

Written notification from the funding agency indicating that 一个项目 has been selected 申请资助,并详列资助期限及金额.

A financial plan for conducting 一个项目; in 拨款申请, it represents the cost of performance of the project as set forth in the proposal; most grant budgets 只需要整美元的金额.

An itemized list of expenditures that accompanies a narrative grant proposal; may 亦须包括来自来源(包括申请人)的实物及/或等额资金 除了授予人.

A detailed narrative explaining: the rationale for each line item in the grant budget, 以及金额是如何确定的.

A group of organizations or institutions that share responsibility for financial management, 单一奖助金计划之行政及/或活动

A grant award to one grantee in support of 一个项目 to be conducted under a consortium 与一个或多个其他机构/组织的安排

在某一特定主题或活动方面具有专门知识的人.g.、项目评估) 与谁签订合约为奖助金计划提供服务

附于奖助金提案的信,概述基金申请并签名 由申请机构/机构的高级官员提供.

A financial contribution required of applicants for certain grant programs; a form 配对基金.

A date specified by the funding source as the last date when proposals will be accepted for review; may be either a date when applications must be received by the grantor 或者邮寄申请的最迟日期.

Project-related expenses that can be itemized and paid directly out of a grant budget; examples of direct costs include salaries and wages, fringe benefits, supplies, project-related 差旅、设备、印刷和复印.

The date (set by the funding source) when the grant project officially begins; allowable 在此日期之前,项目费用不得计入拨款.

Direct expenditures (in addition to salary) by an organization on behalf of its employees for such purposes as disability insurance, unemployment compensation, workers’ compensation, Social Security, life and health insurance, and retirement; fringe benefits are usually 按工资的百分比计算.

对奖助金计划的定量及/或定性评估,比较计划 objectives and project outcomes; may include both formative (periodically throughout (项目期间)和总结性(项目完成后)评价.

The last date of activity for a grant project; no charges may be made to the grant 在此日期之后.

The first page of a grant application; may be a standard electronic form included in the grantor’s application package; identifies the project title, grantor agency to which proposal is being submitted, contact information for applicant organization and project director, proposed project duration, total dollars requested, along with name, title and signature (electronic or live) of individual authorized to sign proposal 提交.

The organization responsible for financial administration of grant funds; in a consortium grant, the applicant organization is usually the fiscal agent and contracts with other consortium members define how and when they will receive their portion of grant funds 来自财政代理.

A 12-month period for which funds are appropriated and during which expenditures must be made; the federal fiscal year runs from October 1 to September 30 and is designated by the calendar year in which it ends; the fiscal year for PCC, as well as state and local governments, runs from July 1 to June 30; many corporations use the calendar 年度为其财政年度.

慈善机构:为慈善目的而设立的非营利性组织; 可能是私人捐赠的,由公司资助的,还是在特定社区成立的 为该地区的慈善事业服务.

General statements of a grant proposal’s anticipated project outcomes; usually more global in scope than objectives and not expected to be measurable; should be supported 通过明确的、具体的、可衡量的目标.

任何接受资助并承担财务责任的法律实体 执行奖助金计划,以及管理奖助金的责任 预算,监督资助活动,并提交进度报告和 资助者要求的最终报告.

Any funding source that has agreed to provide financial support in the form of a grant.

The period of time allotted for grant-related activities, beginning on the effective date (start date) and concluding on the expiration date (end date); grantee may charge allowable costs to the grant during the grant period, not before or after this timeframe.

方向 provided by the funding source detailing how to prepare and submit a grant proposal according to any regulations governing the funder and including any priorities 具体到目前的拨款竞争.

捐赠:代替美元而捐赠的服务或有形物品,以支持…的运作 a grant-funded project; given by the grantee or a third party; examples include a percentage of an administrator’s time, donated equipment or space, and a guest speaker’s time.

Expenses indirectly associated with managing the grant project; examples include administrative expenses, utilities, maintenance, and facilities; indirect costs are usually expressed 作为项目总直接成本的百分比.

描述计划项目的信函(通常不超过两页) and including a budget estimate and background information on the applicant; usually solicited by private funders to screen out ineligible projects or projects not consistent with their grant-making priorities; applicants whose LOIs are deemed eligible are 然后被邀请提交一份完整的提案.

Cash or in-kind support contributed by the applicant to augment grant funds in order to attain project objectives; most grant programs do not require matching funds.

Statements of specific and measurable anticipated outcomes of a grant project; should identify clearly the expected results of project activities; project evaluation should 专注于目标的实现.


由资金来源按照规定格式编制的招股说明书 在征求完整的提案之前对提案进行筛选.

A proposal containing only the information that is essential to convey 一个项目 idea to be proposed more formally at a later date; used by some funders as a first step in the application process; will have its own 提交 guidelines.

Objectives and areas of emphasis developed as part of a funder’s annual program plan for a particular grant program; funder’s intent is to award grants to projects that most closely match those priorities; priorities for federal grant programs are published 的“邀请申请公告”内 联邦公报; may include both Competitive Preference Priorities (which earn the applicant additional 积分)或邀请优先级(不赚取积分,但鼓励某些 项目类型).

A representative of a federal or state agency, or charitable foundation, who is responsible for monitoring grant projects supported by that funder, providing technical assistance 对项目人员,并确保项目目标在 framework of any regulations governing their grant program; program officers may be 来源申请前的建议,或可提供指导,以改善和重新提交 未被选为资助对象的提案.

The person responsible for directing and managing the project for the grantee; the “首席研究员”一词用于一些基于研究的拨款项目,如 由美国国家科学基金会提供.

A written document submitted to a funding source requesting financial support to undertake 一个项目.

由资助来源发出的公告,表明可获得奖助金 a specific funding initiative or program, and describing in detail the required components of an application; also known as a Request for Applications (RFA) or Solicitation 资助申请(SGA).

A final step in funder review of some 拨款申请; funder sends a team of evaluators 审查申请人所在地的拟议工程设施,并进行覆核 与申请人的主要人员一起提出资助计划的计划和目标.